Thursday, November 23, 2006

yang rerindah........

"Yang terindah terlukis dibibirmu

Tak pernah ku lihat senyummu sebegitu

Benarkah sudah cinta yang ku beri

Berwarna-warni segala yang dijanjikan


Usah biar ku bersendirian

Usah biar hatimu ditawan

Usah biar diriku disini

Seorang menunggu tanpa teman

Usah lepas genggaman tanganmu

Usah biar semua berlalu

Usah terlupa perasaan hati

Pertama kali kita bertemu

Usah lepaskan....

Tak mudahku melupakan

Segala yang berlalu

Ku ingin selalu bersamamu....

Usah biar ku bersendirian

Usah biar hatimu ditawan

Usah biar diriku disini

Seorang menunggu tanpa teman

Usah lepas genggaman tanganmu

Usah biar semua berlalu

Usah terlupa perasaan hati

Pertama kali kita bertemu

Ku tak peduli apa sebabnya

Engkau dan dia harus bersama

Mendungnya langit bila berkata

Kita patutnya masih bercinta

Usah lepaskan....

Usah lepaskan....
Yang terindah terlukis dibibirmu

Tak pernah ku lihat senyummu sebegitu"

"usah lepaskan"......taufik batisah

princezzD remembered on 7:20 PM.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

new skin......

hmm, i was home around 6.40pm juz now, and up till now, have yet to take my shower.....
ya Allah.... malasnya aku nie.... exams are next week n the week after.... still have not done my revision, when my classmates spoke to me during my econs revision, they thought that i was kidding wen i said i had done nothing....

finally, a new skin, hmm, my favourite disney movie... mula2 nak ambik aladdin, skali the skin doesnt look interesting....

a hard day at work, i am feeling down becos of that..... dun wish to talk about it again....

going for an interview this Friday.... i received the call from HQ yesterday, n Chinta was all excited about it.....
really need her tips on the interview... and i am happy for her too, finally, she n fiancee is back cheerful n romantic, i was so afraid that the "war" might affect her exams.....

phew, financial probs is really a big issue.... i really kesian my hubby... he's been looking thru' papers to find a part-time job... we have decided to surrender our maid.... $500 per month, once we 'free' her, we really hope we will be able to cover other things.... duit gaji masuk pun dah tak rasa.... my mum's loan pun lum terbayar lagi... once we settle bills, we have none left.... macamana nak survive.....? sometime people think that we are doing okay, and ....... but the fact is we're really "parah" rite now.... if only they could understand....

i am looking forward for an entry to a new job... really, tapi takut bila mengharap sangat, terlepas pulak...

princezzD remembered on 8:50 PM.

Friday, November 03, 2006

well.... a very short update from me 2day.... feeling unwell, probably gonna have flu...

i learnt a very meaningful quote.....
"seandainya kita telah pun berubah dan bertaubat atas kelakuan atau kesalahan silam, maka janganlah direnung kembali masa yang lampau, bertafakur, meminta keampunan pada kesilapan yang telah dilakukan, dan jangan diulang lagi kesilapan itu...."

i am looking forward to a happy marriage which i am beginning to fall in love.... janganlah ade pihak yang cemburu dengan kemesraan rumahtangga yang sedang aku lalui... sesungguhnya, aku pernah berada dalam ombak yang hampir meruntuhkan mahligai yang dibina....

biarlah keburukkan yang telah aku lakukan menjadi rahsia peribadi ku sendiri..... seandainya suatu hari rahsia ini digembar-gemburkan oleh pihak yang tidak sepatutnya mencampuri hal rumahtangga ku, biarlah, jodoh ku ditentukan OLEHnya.... dan biarlah, suami ku sahaja yang membuat keputusan.... sesungguhnya, ku lebih mempercayai kasih sayang suami ku dari pendapat orang lain.......

move on with your life.... cos' by looking back it just not gonna make things better.... luv what you have now, cos' u will never know, when that luv will ends.....

princezzD remembered on 10:43 PM.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006


sending out my resume to chinta's company... hmm, guess its about time i switch to new job. i really hope that by jan next year i'll be in a new environment. 9yrs with the company, its getting too far monotonous...

syukran to hubby, for finally getting his driving license last friday..

feedback from chinta, my batch of application for the job search will be a new one.. consists of additional role play interview... i wonder how i'll fare.. hmm, baru antar resume, dah berangan.. but i am really looking forward to the job thou' i have to work 2 shift and one weekend as a working day... takpelah, need to adapt to changes....

syukur to me too, for passing two of my modules.... i was surprised that i fare pretty well for my english.. and luck is on my side for quantitative, i guess the project marks help me lots.

life is definitely more meaningful when u are showered with luv and attention... definitely...

last sunday, was my first training on kickboxing... dont laugh people, i joined kickboxing courtesy of Chinta as my birthday gift... thanks buddy... and the fun in the dance room, was superb... sidekick jadi sengetkick, punch macam orang tak bermaya... its funny, and that nite, the aches on my body was felt - maklumlah dah lama tak exercise... in the daytime, while joking with my hubby abt my kickboxing activities, i accidentally punch him on his jaw.... reflex of him was to locked me in his arm and bit me hard on my fleshy arm... terjerit org dibuatnya... si elder princezz dah excited abt whats going on wz these two mad people... meleleh jap airmata... dah hubby ckp, mcmana nak kickboxing, baru kena gigit dah nangis... citut betul.... and the next day i realised i got blueblack marks on my arm... gila betul si tua nie gigit org smpi lebam dats what i said to my mum....

monday nitez, while chatting with him, takde angin takde ribut, he expressed to me his thoughts... (dun ask me if he is sincere in it or he has a motive)... "mama nie ayah tgk makin cantik eh....." terbahak-bahak i ketawa.. i replied, "dont dream, i am having red lights" hahaha!!
but he said "i m serious"... yalah tu....
tuesday, he fetched me from school by car, after he had parked the car, we still sat quietly in it.. then i blurted..."oi... taknak kluar ke, org dah lapar nie...."
dia jwp, "off kan lah semua"
then i replied, "look, who is in the driver's seat, he is in control of everything"...
he said, "oh, bila dia drive kita yang off"
tak nak kalah, i sd, "u kan kepo..."
once everything dah off, i still lum berganjak..
he said, "tunggu apa lagi, pintu pun i kena bukak ke?"
i said, "of course"
"cantik muka" he said...
ah ha.... i said, "oh, semalam cakap org cantik, nampak sah tak sincere...."
he replied"yalah, memang cantik lah....." hehe....

thats what life has been for me nowadays... it does come across my mind,
jgnlah ditarik kebahagian yang aku kecapi dengan org yang ku sayangi...
how will i react should one day, he is no longer by my side...
thou' we are having probs financially, we are facing it together...

oh, hubby now knew whom the loan i had given to - the right person (told him before the Ramadhan)... he said, he sense it all along, but still awaits for me to tell the truth...
he did asked if the loan could be return soon, cos' we are in need to... but told him what the other party had requested... kesian hubby.... i guess we juz have to endure.....

well, thats it for now, hubby in the morning shift this week, maybe after he buka puasa, going to uncles place.... (baru nak jalan raya.... isyk!!)

princezzD remembered on 1:58 PM.